Product details
Alcohol Breathalyzer CA-1000 Features: "◆. MP-3 high precision sensor ◆. 5 test units(%,‰,g/L,mg/L,100mg/100ml) ◆. 10 test records for checking ◆. Use professional Mouthpiece ◆. 3 test step with LED indication" We are alcohol detector or breathalyzer dealer, distributor, authorized distributor & manufacturer and we have branches in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Chennai, Chandigarh, Chattisgarh, J&K, Kashmir, Jammu, Goa, Odissa, Karnataka, Uttar pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Kerala, Gujrat, Bihar, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkand, Uttarakhand, etc